She Pivots

Your career transition roadmap

In an effort to support highly skilled professional women who have recently lost their jobs due to COVID-19, TDC Global will be launching a free 4-part online capability-building workshop to re-skill and up-skill individuals to help prepare them for career transitions and new job opportunities.

Course details

  • Participants may complete the program at their own pace, however we recommend completing within a 2 week timeframe.

  • Estimated hours required for completion of the 4 modules is 8-10 hours.

  • She Pivots accreditation received upon completion, with a downloadable badge to attach to your resume when applying for jobs with our Career Partners in Australia.

Course content

  • Module 1

    Building resilience & a career pivot plan

  • Module 2

    Identifying strengths & telling your professional story

  • Module 3

    Building a strong online presence and network digitally

  • Module 4

    Launching your job search with your action roadmap

Thank you to our Career Partners

As part of the initiative, TDC Global have formed a network of Career Partners to provide access to suited job openings after completion of the She Pivots Program.

Thank you to our Impact Partners


Here are some of the most commonly asked questions. Have more? Get in touch using the information provided below.

  • Who is this program for?

    Women looking to develop their confidence and capability in navigating career transitions.

  • Is this course available outside of Australia?

    Yes absolutely, we are accepting international enrolments for She Pivots. However, please note that the opportunity to be connected with current roles only exists within Australia, Singapore and Japan at this stage.

  • When can I complete this course?

    The course content is available to access at any time, while we recommend completing the course within 2 weeks, participants may complete it at their own pace.

  • How long will it take to complete the course?

    There are 4x modules that are 60-90 minutes in length, which participants can complete at their own pace. In addition to the videos, there will be worksheets to complete and optional extra resources provided. There will also be live Q&A sessions held fortnightly, which will be recorded and available to watch later for those who are unable to attend the live sessions. Total time required for course is 8-10 hours.

  • What is the cost?

    This program is being sponsored by TDC Global and is of no cost to the participants or partners.

  • How can I communicate with other participants and the facilitators throughout the course?

    There will be discussion boards linked to each module, where participants will be able to post questions and comment on other participants questions.

  • How can I get in touch with TDC Global?

    The program has been set up so you have full control. However, if you do have additional questions, you can connect with us via [email protected] If you'd like to learn more about our business, team & other programs, please visit our main website at


Head of Program

Brooke Taylor

Brooke is the Head of Programs & Business Excellence at The Dream Collective, a career coach for female leaders, and a former Googler and holds certifications in ontological coaching and emotional intelligence. Brooke’s mission is to change the landscape of the corporate world by equipping bold, ambitious women to excel in leadership. Born and raised in Silicon Valley, she believes in the power of innovative ideas to change the world.

Managing Director

Sarah Liu

Sarah Liu, Founder of The Dream Collective, is an international thought leader, speaker, trainer and facilitator on next generation leadership, diversity and inclusion and the future of work. Having represented Australia in the G20 YEA since 2017, Sarah also served as an APAC advisor to the Japanese Prime Minister’s Cabinet and sits on the judging panel for Forbes Awards. Sarah is invited to train leaders around the world across private and public sectors on leadership transformation and is an appointed regional partner for Google, lead trainer for National Women in Construction, Engineering, Media and Technology across AUNZ. She is also a member of the UTS Industry Advisory Board. Whilst she manages a diverse portfolio of career and businesses, there is only one common thread across them all and that is to see more women in leadership and to transform the way we work.